Melinda Chats
So glad you are here! I chat with wonderful humans on the podcast about life, relationships, dating, gender, sexuality, therapy work and so much more. I am celebrating humans! A healthy non-judgmental space to chat the interactions we have alone our journey. Welcome to Melinda Chats!
Melinda Chats
Melinda Chats with Maïkan: His podcast Satisfying Intimacy & More
Season 5
Episode 3
Maïkan is a person who's had to figure a few things out the hard way. He now hosts S podcast (Spotify, Apple, iHeart, and other platforms via ) based on life experiences and studies in massage, somatics, and tantra. He has a unique no-hype style for you to know, accept, love, desire and be curious about yourself and, from there, an intimate partner and life in community and in nature. He shares here some simple questions and games you can play solo and duo to really be your fullest wildest loveliest sexiest self, and the value of sitting with all the powerful feelings and desires.